Pick Your Adventure.


    From small streams to clear deep waters, I have fished in four different countries. Coached varsity teams to state championship tournaments. Fly fishing, live bait, ice fishing I have done it all, from the shore, to a kayak. Lets let the drag scream and the memories form.


    Fur or Feather, that is the question.

    Hunt for food or for sport, reasoning is not important to me. What is important to me, is getting outside. Learning patience, how to prepare for success, and how to achieve rewards from your hard work.


    MUSHROOMS, HERBS, and FRUIT oh my.

    Appreciate the culinary flavors that grow in the forests, along the stream banks and edges of fields. Even enter the world of combating invasive plants by eating them.


    Boldly go where you have never gone before. Step out of your comfort zone. Camp in the woods, learn why the forests grow the way they do. Understand what goes on under water. Canoe through pristine waters and set up camp on the shore.